Chinese Water Deer
(Hydropotes inermis)
Adult size - 11 to 18 kg, 50 to 55cm at shoulder. Little variation between sexes.
Antlers - none.
Life -span - up to 6 years.
UK distribution - currently restricted to Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Norfolk with a few scattered sightings elsewhere.
Food & feeding - selective feeders that take small morsels from nutritious plants, especially herbs but may take woody browse, grasses and sedges if food is limiting.
Habitat - reed beds, river shores, woodlands and fields. A good diversity of plants in the under storey is important. Introductions into deer parks around the country, and subsequent escapes and releases, have facilitated their spread, although wet habitats in the fens of Cambridgeshire and the Norfolk Broads seem to provide them with the best habitat in which to thrive.
Social organisation - solitary except when mating, but may form pairs or small groups at high density. Bucks are particularly aggressive and do not tolerate the presence of other bucks.