Telephone: 07786 968621

Accompanied Stalking

HCS Deer Services provides professional deer management to land owners in the UK. As part of its business it provides guided stalking to Guest Stalkers on ground over which it has stalking rights. Deer management is primarily concerned with ensuring the welfare of deer and maintaining numbers in balance with their habitat and with all other land uses. The stalking will be part of the management plan and will include both on foot and high seat shooting.


Accompanied Stalking Prices

DCS Level 2 witnessing available

Effective 1/4/15


Outing Fee £75.00

Does £60.00

5 points or less £85.00
6 points            £150.00
Bronze Medal  £250.00
Silver Medal    £450.00
Gold Medal     £650.00

Outing Fee £75.00
Does           £50.00

Non Medal      £ 85.00
Bronze Medal £150.00
Silver Medal   £250.00
Gold Medal    £350.00


The Guest Stalker will be under the control of the Professional Stalker and will shoot only as directed.
Rifles must be correctly zeroed at the time of stalking.
A rifle of a calibre not less than .240 inches/6.1mm and soft or hollow nosed bullets with a published muzzle energy of not less than 1,700 foot pounds must be used to cull deer.
The guest stalker must be capable of firing a group of three sighting shots – on request – within a 10cm (4 inch) group at 100 metres to the satisfaction of the Professional Stalker, should the Guest Stalker fail to achieve the required grouping he/she will not be permitted to shoot live quarry
All parties will be asked to produce current U.K Firearms Certificates and Third Party Insurance where relevant prior to stalking.
All parties will be asked to sign a disclaimer form prior to stalking.
If a deer is wounded, stalking will stop until it has been dispatched or otherwise accounted for. Wounded animals will be deemed to be kills and will be charged at the full rate.
Meat damage due to poor shooting will result in the carcass being charged out at full value.
All monies fall due immediately upon completion of stalking.
While all arrangements for satisfactory outings will be made in good faith, HCS Deer Services gives no guarantees of quarry quality or numbers. HCS Deer Services reserves the right to suspend or withdraw permission to stalk at anytime and its decision in all matters will be final
The Guest Stalker may purchase the carcass at the current game dealer price.
Making a booking Indemnifies HCS Deer Services against any loss, injury or damage arising from the exercise of the outing.