(Muntiacus reevesi)
Recognition - small, stocky, russet brown in summer, grey brown in winter. Long pedicles, short antlers and visible upper canines in bucks. Very large facial glands below the eyes. Ginger forehead with pronounced black lines running to the pedicles in bucks, dark U shape in does. Haunches higher than withers, giving a hunched appearance. Fairly wide tail, which is held erect when disturbed.
Adult size - bucks (males): 10 to 18kg, 44 to 52cm at shoulder. Does (females): 9 to 16kg, 43 to 52cm at shoulder.
Antlers - short (up to 10cm) but on long pedicles. Usually un branched but brow tine occasionally found in old bucks.
Life span - bucks: up to 16 years. Does: up to 19 years, but these are exceptional.
Status - introduced. Widespread and increasing in number and range.
UK distribution - south and central England and Wales. North of the Humber distribution is patchy but reaches close to the Scottish border.
Food & feeding - selective feeders that take small morsels from nutritious plants. Diet varies according to region and availability but may include herbs, brambles, ivy, heather, bilberry and coppice shoots.
Habitat - deciduous or coniferous forests, preferably with a diverse under storey. Also found in scrub and over -grown gardens in urban areas.
Social organisation - generally solitary or found in pairs (doe with kid or buck with doe) although pair -bonding does not occur. Bucks defend small exclusive territories against other bucks whereas does' territories overlap with each other and with several bucks.